Do you know what to do when a dental emergency strikes? While many dental injuries can be prevented, there is always a chance that you or a loved one could develop a painful infection or have an accident that leads to broken or knocked out teeth. The first step to handling a dental emergency is to get in contact with our practice as soon as possible. Our emergency dentist provides same-day and next-day appointments for toothaches, broken teeth, and lost/loose restorations.
Knowing what to do when a dental crisis arises can make a world of difference. Following are some tips that can help you respond to dental emergencies productively.
Call An Emergency Dentist as Soon as Possible
When you or your loved ones first experience symptoms like toothaches or loose restorations, call your dentist as soon as possible. You should also call a dentist quickly after an accident that breaks, chips, or knocks out a tooth. The sooner you can contact your oral healthcare provider, the sooner you can be seen for treatment. When calling, be sure to provide as much information about the injury and your symptoms as possible so your dentist can prepare for your visit and provide tips to keep you comfortable until you arrive.
Carry a Dental First-Aid Kit
Everyone should have a dental first-aid kit. This kit should contain over the counter pain medication, topical pain relievers, instant first-aid ice packs, and Save-A-Tooth. Available at most supermarkets and large pharmacies, Save-a-Tooth can keep your tooth and its pieces alive if it has been knocked out or chipped.
Be Wary of DIY Home Remedies from Social Media and the Internet
When dental crises arise, some folks may try DIY home remedies they saw on social media or the Internet. Much of the advice circulating on digital platforms is not rooted in evidence-based dentistry and may even harm your oral health. Be sure to discuss home remedies with your dentist before trying them.
If you have broken restorations, toothaches, or endured a dental injury, call Tate Family Dentistry to schedule an emergency dentistry appointment.