If you take advantage of the popular cosmetic dentistry treatment of teeth whitening, you may be concerned about possible side effects. Fortunately, teeth whitening is a low-risk intervention. Most patients will have no unexpected symptoms as a result of this treatment, although a certain number of patients do complain of tooth sensitivity and some irritation of the soft tissues in the mouth. However, this symptom is almost always temporary and resolves on its own within a matter of days.
Patients who experience side effects following teeth whitening treatments may want to discuss these issues with their dentist, as it may be possible to address the symptoms. For example, your dentist may recommend that you start using a toothpaste specifically formulated for sensitive teeth in advance of your scheduled treatment.
Additionally, when you get this cosmetic dentistry treatment from a dentist rather than relying on over-the-counter products, you may be able to reduce your risk of side effects. Dentists will take precautions when administering in-office treatments, and a custom-designed tray is less likely to expose your gum tissue to the bleaching agent than a plastic strip that contains the gel or a boil-and-bite tray.
Although unpleasant side effects of teeth whitening are rather uncommon, people may not be satisfied with their initial attempt at teeth whitening because it may not be effective on certain types of discolorations, such as dark or long-standing stains. If teeth whitening fails to meet your expectations, we can explore alternative cosmetic dentistry treatments, such as porcelain veneers, in order to help you get the smile of your dreams.
We want you to be thoroughly prepared for all aspects of your teeth whitening treatment, including any side effects that you may experience. If you have experienced sensitive teeth and gums following this intervention in the past or are concerned that you might develop these symptoms, work with our team to develop a treatment plan that addresses these issues.
Contact our team at Tate Family Dentistry to discuss your own treatment options.