What can you really count on from cosmetic dental work? The right treatment can offer long-term solutions for problems that make you less than thrilled with your smile. At our Southlake, TX dental practice, we can work with you on a personalized cosmetic treatment plan, one that targets your specific concerns and produces meaningful changes. One treatment can be all that you need to see the results that you want even if you hope to fix multiple flaws. We are also able to help when oral health issues take priority in your care. Thanks to restorations that are lifelike and able to provide functional benefits, we can do the work of treating your well-being while also improving how you look.
Professional Smile Care Can Have A Significant Effect On Your Appearance
With the right approach to cosmetic dentistry, there are many positive changes that we can make to the way you look. A review of your smile and a discussion of your current concerns can point us to the right way to care for you. In addition to helping you see the improvements you want, we can help you determine the path for care that minimizes changes to your tooth structure and offers results in the shortest time possible.
We Provide Multiple Treatment Options
For patients who feel self-conscious because their teeth look dull or discolored, a professional whitening procedure can help. The solution offered by us can differ from the treatment options at your nearby grocery store or pharmacy for several reasons. One is that we can provide a solution that uses stronger bleaching agents, so you are able to do something about stains that have settled into deeper layers of your enamel. Another is that we personalize care, and we have an effective form of care for teeth with heightened sensitivity issues.
You may have issues with teeth that are misshapen, damaged, poorly aligned, or otherwise flawed. These are issues that we can take on with custom porcelain veneers. Veneers are remarkably thin shells that cover only the fronts of teeth. That coverage is sufficient for hiding a wide range of issues. During your procedure, we will carefully affix custom veneers after providing minimal preparatory work to make sure they remain in position. Among the many benefits of this care is the ability to correct spacing flaws without the need for a prolonged orthodontic procedure. With that said, we do offer Invisalign as a solution for patients worried about teeth spacing who prefer not to make permanent changes to tooth structure.
Talk To Your Southlake, TX Dental Practice About Cosmetic Dentistry!
If you would like to learn more about cosmetic dentistry and how it can benefit you, call our Southlake, TX dental office at (817) 481-6364.