How Root Canals Stop Dental Pain

An infected tooth could lead to pain in a tooth and the risk of a missing tooth. But our team can offer an endodontic treatment to stop the discomfort and preserve your tooth. At our Southlake, TX, dental office, we can employ root canal therapy to protect the smile and offer gentle, comfortable treatment.

Infection and Dental Pain

An infected tooth can be a source of serious discomfort, including pain when bite down and chewing, persistent toothaches, and discomfort in the face and jaw. The infection forms when harmful oral bacteria reach the inner pulp, your tooth’s nerve center. This could happen due to a serious cavity that allows bacteria to spread throughout the tooth, or via an injury or damage from teeth grinding. When you experience these symptoms, please see us right away for a diagnosis. Otherwise, you risk the infection growing so severe that the tooth requires extraction to protect the rest of your smile. Don’t risk your smile’s stability, see us right away.

Root Canal Therapy

Our team will use digital x-rays to quickly and comfortably obtain clear images of the interior of your tooth so we can assess the position and severity of the infection. We then plan the treatment and administer a local numbing agent to keep you comfortable throughout the procedure. We can also discuss sedation if you have dental anxiety regarding the procedure. Our team will open the tooth once you’re comfortable and remove the tissues from within. We next clean the interior of your tooth and add a special restorative material known as gutta percha. The last step involves capping the tooth with a custom-made dental crown, one that looks natural and provides durable protection against further injury, decay, or infection.

Safeguarding Your Smile

Our team would like to help lower your risk of future cavities or infections with a preventive approach to your dental care. With a checkup and cleaning every six months, we can watch for the earliest indicators of cavities and infections, often identifying them before you experience painful symptoms. We can also clean the teeth, removing the plaque and tartar buildup that weakens and erodes enamel to make these complications possible. Our team also discusses better oral hygiene habits to safeguard your smile too. If you have any questions about root canal therapy or about avoiding infected teeth, then contact our team today to learn more.

Find Out More About Endodontic Treatment With Tate Family Dentistry In Southlake, TX

Our team can offer a solution to an infected tooth to keep your smile healthy and whole. To learn more about our root canal treatments and other restorative procedures, give us a call at our Southlake, TX dental office at (817) 481-6364.


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