Your smile is perhaps one of your most important features and you want it to look great. It is used to welcome others, convey emotion and so much more. As you age, there may be times when you feel it necessary to enhance the beauty of your smile through the benefits of cosmetic dentistry. Perhaps… Continue reading Cosmetic Dental Procedures to Improve Your Smile
Category: Southlake dentist
Useful Tips for Clean and White Teeth
Your teeth are on display every day so keeping them clean and healthy is important. Brushing and flossing daily provide a great start; keeping regularly scheduled visits with your dentist are needed to remove plaque that has formed since your previous visit. Topical stain is removed, teeth are polished, and a dental exam is performed… Continue reading Useful Tips for Clean and White Teeth
Is My Headache a Migraine or TMJ Disorder?
TMJ is the abbreviation for temporomandibular joint. These are the joints in front of your ears where your jaw connects to your skull that allows your teeth to move up, down, and side to side. If you experience headaches, neck or facial pain do not self-diagnose your condition. An appointment with your dentist may provide… Continue reading Is My Headache a Migraine or TMJ Disorder?
How long will my dentures last?
Patients who get dentures generally don’t want to have to visit their dentist numerous times to have the appliances replaced. It can be reassuring to know that with proper care and appropriate adjustments as needed, you can keep your dentures for several years. You should follow the denture maintenance instructions for provided by your dentist… Continue reading How long will my dentures last?
An Overview of TMJ
TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, is a complex disorder that can create a variety of symptoms, making it difficult to diagnose. It’s also referred to as TMD. TMJ treatment is individualized and based on the specific needs of the patient as well as the underlying causes of the problem which can vary from person to… Continue reading An Overview of TMJ
Do I really need to pay attention to my tongue?
Your tongue can tell a lot about your oral health. Your dentist will take a good look at it during your twice yearly dental exam. But you should also be looking at it regularly to help determine if you’re suffering from one of the many conditions your tongue can reveal. The condition of your tongue… Continue reading Do I really need to pay attention to my tongue?
Are there side effects from teeth whitening?
If you take advantage of the popular cosmetic dentistry treatment of teeth whitening, you may be concerned about possible side effects. Fortunately, teeth whitening is a low-risk intervention. Most patients will have no unexpected symptoms as a result of this treatment, although a certain number of patients do complain of tooth sensitivity and some irritation… Continue reading Are there side effects from teeth whitening?
How Dental Implants Can Reduce Long-Term Dental Costs
Dental implants are used to restore tooth loss. The dental implant process may take longer than other methods of tooth restoration; however, the final result will provide a permanent and natural solution that will allow the patient to eat all the foods they love; they will not ever need to be without their teeth; and… Continue reading How Dental Implants Can Reduce Long-Term Dental Costs
Most Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorder
TMJ stands for temporomandibular joint, which is the joint on either side of your mouth that allows your jaw to move. These are complex joints of ligaments and muscle attached to a disc. Problems with the way the joints operate can cause discomfort along with complications moving the jaw. Your dentist can diagnose this disorder… Continue reading Most Common Symptoms of TMJ Disorder
Teeth whitening: Is it really possible to have a brighter smile?
Teeth whitening is one of the easiest ways to give your smile a new, brighter look. In a single trip to the dentist, you can lighten your teeth five to ten shades, removing discoloration that has built up as a result of the foods and beverages you eat every day. How Teeth Whitening Brightens Your… Continue reading Teeth whitening: Is it really possible to have a brighter smile?